Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Slo-Motion Clips (John Masters)

Last weekend Liam went out to a firework display at a local park so we thought that it would be a good idea to have him film some clips that we would possibly be able to use in our music video. We chose to do this because as you will see from videos around this genre there is a lot of footage from live performances which contain bright and colourful light displays. Fireworks another bright feature that we will be able to include likely in the chorus of our music video. We have more clips similar to the one below so we will go through what we have and choose clips that we think are most suitable for the purpose. 

This is an example of one of the clips we have so far:


  1. Good footage John.
    • Can you please break down your text a little so it isn't so chuncky. The content is good.
    • Text that is easy to read and possibly with bullet points is easier on the eye.
    • Do you have your storyboard images please as that needs to be on here too.

    Thank you

  2. Group 3 please see me on Friday as you are not adding/ editing work as you go. You must include all developments. PMcD
